Financial Advisor For Women

Personalized Advice For The Unique Female Life Journey

Financial advice and wealth management should be taliored to address the net worth, future earnings potential, and projected financial needs of the individual. This also means that financial advisors need to take a different approach when they develop financial plans to meet the needs of men and women. Men and women have different career, personal, and financial journeys.

Paulo Financial Advisors looks at a woman’s unique life journey. Women’s finances often differ from their counterparts in the following areas:

  • Education - women graduate from universities with more student loan debt. They also often choose to study subjects with lower starting salaries.
  • Career - while the wage gap has decreased, women are still making $.80 to the dollar that men make.
  • Children - women still often stay home to raise their children. Upon return to the workforce women often have to take a step back in their careers.
  • Family Care - women are often the family carers for elderly family members. This means taking further time from work. The impact of loss of income is greater because women tend to live longer and need a larger nest egg to retire.

Client Centered

Women also tend to think and invest differently than men. Studies show that women:

  • Are more socially conscious with investment choices
  • Are more risk-averse and tend to hold more cash in their portfolios
  • Want to make trades less often
  • Have a different overall perspective on money

Paulo Financial advisors recognizes these differences and wants to help you grow your wealth so you can finance the life you want to lead.

If you have questions or would like to speak with a financial consultant, call us at 718 370 3464.